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Book/Real Estate Porn With Ayelet Waldman And Michael Chabon
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Book/Real Estate Porn With Ayelet Waldman And Michael Chabon

“My friends Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon live in a shingled Berkeley Craftsman bungalow that reminds me of my days as the child of local radicals.”

Thus begins Remodelista‘s paean to the literary super-couple’s gorgeous Berkeley home. This piece is something else, you guys. It’s book porn meets real estate porn meets writer porn; all enhanced by Waldman’s anecdotes. Here’s one about their office, which was once a doctor’s consulting room: “‘Someone in the historical society told us he did abortions. I have this image of this warm and lovely guy doing a public service for the women of Berkeley.’ The gilded body cast on the wall is of Ayelet during one of her pregnancies.”

The house is very beautiful indeed: book filled (as you’d expect), faithfully restored, and charmingly appointed with sentimental family tchotchkes—here a candlestick smuggled out of Minsk by Waldman’s grandmother, there are photo of her grandfather’s furrier union in New York City. Art inspired by The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Chabon’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, is found in the living room and study. There’s also a velvet-covered window seat (drool), and a cute havdalah spice box.

But not for nothing does Gawker describe Waldman as a “lifestyle controversialist“: apparently, the photograph of books just scattered about la-di-da at the bottom of the stairs was not staged. What a way to live.

See it for yourself here.

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