Introducing The Weekly Jewce

Jewcy’s official weekly newsletter, bringing you the latest on pop culture and Jew-ey news.

Getting the Hang of New Year Resolutions

Resolutions are, technically, a Jewish practice too

Christmas: Eight Things to Do if You’re a Jew

Might as well keep yourself busy! Or not!

The Bride, The Wig, The Gram

A new generation of Jewish women feels empowered by covering their hair and are taking to social media to educate the public.

Lee Kern: ‘Jews Aren’t Moths’

Celebration of light, my tuches.

A Jewcy, Jewcy Hanukkah Playlist

Quite literally the best Hanukkah playlist of all time. Prove me wrong.

Sarah Aroeste’s Ladino Hanukkah Album Is Here—And It’s Glorious

“Hanuká!” is, in every way, an instant classic.