Rabbi Robert Levine

Rabbi Levine leads the congregation of Rodeph Shalom, one of the largest reform synagogues in New York. He is the President of the New York Board of Rabbis, Chairman of the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of the Archdiocese of New York, and one of New York’s most active interfaith clergymen.  He has appeared on CNN’s Paula Zahn Now, Crossfire, CBS The Early Show, and argued with Mel Gibson that “The Passion of the Christ” is a gross distortion of history. He is the author of two other books, Where are You When I Need You?: Defending God When Life Hurts, and There is No Messiah, and You’re It: The Steady Transformation of Judaism’s Most Provocative Idea

5 Articles Published | Follow:
How Atheism Poisons Everything

Celebrity atheists abound these days. They move a lot of literary product and enrich themselves…

God’s Big Bang

You know Tevye’s song from Fiddler on the Roof, "If I Were A Rich Man?"…

What Your Bubbie Really Thinks about Barack Obama

I stared at the words on my computer screen in utter disbelief: BETH SHOLOM SYNAGOGUE…

The Transcendence of Buying Shoes

The first time I remember being stunned was at Arnold’s Shoe Store. I went there…

Palin Around with Tina Fey

Rabbi Robert Levine, author of What God Can Do for You Now, will be blogging…