Josh Strawn

Josh Strawn is the lead singer of Blacklist as well as a signatory and vocal advocate of the Euston Manifesto.

74 Articles Published | Follow:
Bolt-Necked Bush

Iranian democracy activists tell Canadian Time Magazine that the recent imprisonment and harassment of Haleh…

A Widely Unlearned Lesson About Islam

If you spend enough time spouting vitriol toward violent Islamism, you're almost certain to be…

The True Martyrs of Afghanistan

What do fascist Islamists hate more than the freedom of expression? Women who express themselves…

Penguins and Morrissey Save Iraq

On IMs, a good friend and Reservesman poses this solution for an end to the…

Progressive Muslims Are “Islamophobic”

An Islamist terrorist-turned reformer, Tawfik Hamid confronts the charge of Islamophobia: For 20 years, I…

More Evil Cartoons and Angry Mullahs

If your politico-religious ideology recommends a peculiar fear of and hostility toward cartoons, take that…

Why Nothing Is Žižekproof

Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek will hopefully always generate as much praise as criticism. Simon Jarvis…

Free Haleh!

This site dedicated to the jailed Iranian-American academic Haleh Esfandiari features statements from her husband…