Joey Kurtzman

Joey Kurtzman is former president of Jewcy Partners, LLC, and co-founding editor of

152 Articles Published | Follow:
Transgendered Torah

Way back in Jewcy pre-history I shvitzed about the unreasonably excellent site of Jewish Mosaic.…

Cartoon of Harris Clobbering Prager in Jewcy Debate

Sam Harris sends us this cartoon. As I suggested in a faithhacker post, atheists around…

Is Radicalism Dead?

Radicalism has become a slutty, sloppy, imprecise word, like antisemitism or God. Over the years…

Peter Singer

Peter Singer has made a career out of demanding that ordinary people take responsibility for…

Faisal Alam

Faisal Alam’s 1997 nervous breakdown was a watershed moment in the history of gay rights.…

William Upski Wimsatt

It started with the word nigger. Louis Farrakhan’s son Abnar Jew-baited his high school classmate…

Hernando de Soto

Forget about a glorious future in which the global economic order is overthrown and the…

The Artwork Of Banksy And Art Terrorism

British “art terrorist” Banksy envisions a society in which art is no longer cloistered away…