Jo Ellen Green Kaiser

Jo Ellen Green Kaiser is the Editor-in-chief of Zeek magazine, available at and also at .She is the co-editor of Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice ( and the mom of Zoe.

57 Articles Published | Follow:
Sammy Harkham: Genius

It was after thirty years of thinking of myself a semi-scholarly critic of Jewish American…

Light from the Postville Darkness

Most of the time, as a society we walk in darkness, wounded by walking blindly…

Talking Torah with Rabbi Rebecca Alpert

Zeek's Editor-in-chief, Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, talks with Rabbi Rebecca Alpert about social justice, feminism…

The Four Horsemen of the New Atheism

I'm tired. Most of my reading time in the last few weeks has been devoted…

The Jewish American Princess–Revisited

What ever happened to the Jewish American Princess? Once—from the 1960s until at least the…

POEM: “Rita” by Roman Baembaev

–These buffoons have lost their minds. Did you see the bill that we got? I…

Jewish Architecture: An Interview with Daniel Libeskind

Wowed by the example of Frank Gehry’s Bilbao Guggenheim, museums around the world have raced…

Are Overbearing Men a Feminist Issue? Check Your Pants for the Answer

Do you need a penis in your pants to speak your mind? That’s the rhetorical…