Jo Ellen Green Kaiser

Jo Ellen Green Kaiser is the Editor-in-chief of Zeek magazine, available at and also at .She is the co-editor of Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice ( and the mom of Zoe.

57 Articles Published | Follow:
Exodus for Activists

The Exodus narrative is, in many ways, the foundational Jewish story of freedom and the…

From Apartheid to Obama

Twenty years ago, my family left South Africa for the U.S. Behind us we left…


Todd Hasak-Lowy’s first novel will be published in October. Its title is Captives and its…

Philip Roth’s Righteous Indignation

Standing over her father’s casket after the slow but steady unraveling of his wits and…

Words At Night With Bassam Aramin

  "You caught me!" Bassam Aramin says.   He is not pleased to be caught.…

Yiddishkayt in the Vernacular

Nowhere has the struggle between the perception of the vernacular artist and of the "high"…

A Personal History of Jewish Reading

  Were someone to ask me what I do for a living, I’d respond: I’m…

War is Assur

Commonly, the laws of war in Judaism are understood through the categories of milchemet mitzvah…