Jason Diamond

I'm the former editor-in-chief of this hot dog stand

454 Articles Published | Follow:
Jewish Movie Week: Justifying My Jeff Goldblum Man Crush

A tribute to the most misunderstood Jewish actor of them all.

Please Stop The Hanukkah Parody Song Madness

Jews: Stop the madness. These videos are unbearable.

Daily Jewce: Ambassador’s Comments, Jailhouse Bar Mitzvah Gift Fallout, Red Kermit, Jerusalem Bus Ads, And More

In the news today: The fallout from an American ambassador’s comments, a rabbis is fined, Fox thinks the Muppets are commies, women return to bus ads in Jerusalem, and more.

Jewish Movie Week: To Babs And Baby, Thanks For Everything

An appreciation for Jennifer Grey and Barbra Streisand.

Writing Letters To Sarah Silverman (Then Writing More Letters To Sarah Silverman)

Two letters to Sarah Silverman help prove two of our theories.

Goodbye Barney Frank. Goodbye Jewish Humor In Congress

Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank has announced he will not be running for re-election in 2012. Goodbye Jewish humor in Congress.

The Unkillable Kosher Butcher Of Boardwalk Empire

Here’s one thing I keep noticing on episode after episode of Boardwalk Empire: behind nearly every great criminal act, there is a great Jewish mind helping out.

Drake Suffers From A Dreaded Jewish Affliction

We’d like Drake to speak up for those who suffer from a Jewish condition known as N.A.D.S.