Izzy Grinspan

Izzy Grinspan is Jewcy's ex-managing editor. Her work has been published in Salon, The Believer, and The Village Voice.

195 Articles Published | Follow:
We Read Jewish Magazines So You Don’t Have To

This week in the Jewish media: It’s conventional wisdom that Jews aren’t as attached to…

Men Versus Men: Why Is That Gender Always Bickering?

Feministing points to rumors that male Democrats are split between voting for Obama and McCain.…

JDater of the Week: With Photos!

This week’s theme: Wacky pictures. First up is HoneyiLOVEYOUso, who’s got some amazing text to…

How to Sound Smart This Week: Fake Memoir Edition

Remember the early days of 2006, when first J.T. Leroy and then James Frey turned…

Jack Black Hasn’t Been Back To Temple Since His Bar Mitzvah

Are 'Be Kind Rewind' funnyman Jack Black’s feelings about his Bar Mitzvah really gossip-worthy? The…

The Counterfeiters: Good, or Just Jewish?

This is a bit of a rhetorical question, since they don’t usually give Oscars to…

Lizzy the Lezzy Is The Funniest Lesbian on MySpace

Lizzy the Lezzy might be the cutest cartoon lesbian of all time. She’s got a…

Today in Amy Winehouse: Back on the Drugs

Oh Amy. According to The Sun, she’s back on the drugs and listening obsessively to…