Daniel Koffler

Daniel Koffler is a Clarendon Scholar and graduate student in philosophy at the University of Oxford.

232 Articles Published | Follow:
Speak Mitt Romney

The Republicans are having a seminar-room style debate in New Hampshire, and they've just concluded…

Barack Obama for President

It won't come to readers as a particular surprise that Barack Obama is my candidate…

The Markets React to Iowa (And So Do I)

So, Obama and Huckabee have won the Iowa Caucuses. Here's how Intrade is reacting in…

Throw the Bums in Jail

A few minutes ago, on PBS's newshour, I heard Michael Beschloss* glorifying the Iowa caucuses…

Look to the Consiglieri

Since so much of a presidential election, especially its primary phase, consists largely in bickering…

Idiocy Creep

Reductio creep, "the process by which an insane extension of some principle, offered as a…

Sue Her Pantsuit Off

Radley Balko points to a story of the RIAA suing a man for ripping his…

Quote of the Day

Roger Kimball: Bernard-Henri Levy’s intervention is the most appalling piece of sentimentalizing rubbish since irresponsible…