BG is a professional blogger whose work has appeared on numerous sites from Rotten Tomatoes to PopMatters. She loves film, TV (yes "the boob tube"), and music and has critiqued on all three. In 2004, she published a book with Penguin on the hit reality TV show "The Apprentice". She realizes that was four years ago already and we live in fast times. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe and The Jerusalem Post. She writing can presently be found over at Jewlicious,'s blog, and an anonymous blog which will one day make her famous and supports her long-term goal of world domination of the blogosphere.

392 Articles Published | Follow:
Jewish Conspiracy Rhetoric Hot Topic At Iranian Academic Conference

ANC MP, Farida Mahomed, has been gaining her share of attention for the comments she…

Walmart Can’t Say No To Nazi Paraphernalia

Back in November, Bent Corner reported that Walmart was selling shirts with Waffen-SS insignia. The…

Third Time’s a Charm?

The US Court has rejected John Demjanjuk's (Ivan The Terrible) appeal for deportation. Demjanjuk, who…

Jewish Woman Loves Santa

In an Orthodox neighborhood in L.A., a Jewish mother and heiress to an exotic-lingerie fortune…

Getting Your Shabbos Groove On

As the Sabbath is upon us, you can catch up on this week's parsha, in…

Because No One Likes The French

Courtesy of Israellycool: An overweight passenger has sued Air France after being told he was…

Poseurs Aplenty At Matisyahu Concert

Yehudit Brachah of Jewschool eloquently posts about Jewish cultural immersion at the Matisyahu concert in…

“Jewish Rosa Parks” Mauled By Orthodox Men

Miriam Shear, an American-Israeli woman, was attacked by a group of Orthodox men back in…