BG is a professional blogger whose work has appeared on numerous sites from Rotten Tomatoes to PopMatters. She loves film, TV (yes "the boob tube"), and music and has critiqued on all three. In 2004, she published a book with Penguin on the hit reality TV show "The Apprentice". She realizes that was four years ago already and we live in fast times. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe and The Jerusalem Post. She writing can presently be found over at Jewlicious,'s blog, and an anonymous blog which will one day make her famous and supports her long-term goal of world domination of the blogosphere.

392 Articles Published | Follow:
German Director Does Holocaust Satire

German film producer Dani Levy is pulling a Mel Brooks. On January 11, his film,…

Matisyahu Rocks The Year-End Reggae Charts

Billboard.Com released their top songs/albums of the year. Matisyahu picked up consecutive spots (2nd and…

Adding Some Depth To Our Communal Post-Holidays’ Vegetative State

Brought to you courtesy of Adam Hanft of HuffPo: I'm actually okay with leaving the…

Forever A Dreamer

Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres is in Spain attending a soccer match between an Israeli…

Snow Storm in Israel

Sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 words.

Was Trump Always This Much of a Wishy-Washy Kiss Ass Self-Promoter?

With all of the commercials for the new season of "The Apprentice," we had to…

Qassam Rocket Hits Sderot

A rocket hit the town of Sderot late Tuesday and injured two teens, one is…

Israeli Finds Growing Market in Fat Americans

An article on Kibbutz Afkim headlined the front page of The Boston Globe today. Kibbutz…