BG is a professional blogger whose work has appeared on numerous sites from Rotten Tomatoes to PopMatters. She loves film, TV (yes "the boob tube"), and music and has critiqued on all three. In 2004, she published a book with Penguin on the hit reality TV show "The Apprentice". She realizes that was four years ago already and we live in fast times. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe and The Jerusalem Post. She writing can presently be found over at Jewlicious,'s blog, and an anonymous blog which will one day make her famous and supports her long-term goal of world domination of the blogosphere.

392 Articles Published | Follow:
Enough With The Damn Mouse Already!

Screw Disney Land or as Rabbi Meyer Golden, one half of the new Jewish Theme…

Jewface Soils NPR’s Fresh Air

From NPR: Journalist Jody Rosen has put together an album called Jewface. It's the first…

Cow Shit Hits The Fan In Israel

To maintain ongoing peace with their neighbors, Israel is insisting on "deodorizing" a cow quarantine…

Jewish Terrorist Video Game Floods The Arab Market

Reluctant as I am to admit it, there's a reason stereotypes exist. And when it…

Study Finds Turks Are Fast Finishers

From a YNet article entitled, "How Long Should It Last": One site I found listed…

More Iranian Batshit Craziness

Tired of being the primary source of Nazi propaganda rhetoric, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now…

Mourning Teddy

Former Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, who served a 28-year term during Israel's most politically…

Ms. Jones Overcomes Superficial Obstacles & Marries Goldfinger

The leading couples story on the cover of The NY Times Weddings & Celebrations section…