Adam L. Rovner

Adam Rovner is Zeek's translations editor. He currently serves as an assistant professor of English and Jewish Literature at the University of Denver. Adam is at work on a book describing proposals to create Jewish homelands prior to Israel's establishment.

13 Articles Published | Follow:
Selichot in Krakow

As the days of awe draw near, we recite penitential prayers–selichot–to seek forgiveness for our…

Israeli Fiction: ‘Form 630’–an excerpt from the novel “Wild North”

The schlemiel–that bumbling, anxious, and cosmically inept antihero of much American Jewish literature–rarely finds his…

Israeli Fiction: “Laundry”

Suzane Adam’s acclaimed novel, Laundry, reminds readers that childhood is all too often pervaded by…

Israeli Fiction: “Everybody’s Autobiography Returns”

One of the most impressive magazines to appear amidst the recent profusion of literary journals…

Interview with Israeli Author Nava Semel

Journalist and playwright Mordecai Manuel Noah's proto-Zionist scheme to settle a Jewish colony on Grand…